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Five Ways to Focus Client Conversations During Election Season

When fear and uncertainty find their way into headlines, investors can feel a sense of uncertainty or panic. As their trusted Financial Professional, how can you guide them to stay the course with the long-term financial plan you’ve carefully constructed for them?

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Tax-Intelligent Tips for Back-to-School Season

Between shopping lists and adjusting to new routines, back-to-school season can be overwhelming – but it’s a wise time for Financial Professionals to check in with their clients about tax-intelligent ways to plan for educational expenses.

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Untying the Financial Knot: QDROs & Beneficiaries

While your client is preoccupied unraveling various intricacies related to their marriage dissolution, you can play a pivotal role by providing guidance on the finer financial specifics, including details surrounding a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) and ensuring beneficiaries are updated on all their accounts, assets and policies.

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When Grandparents Call it Quits: Guiding Clients Through a “Gray” Divorce

What’s leading to the increase in divorce among seniors – and how can you potentially guide clients through this emotional and complicated time?

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When 50/50 Isn’t Fair: Splitting Marital Assets with Tax Intelligence

Whether it’s credit card reward points or funds in a peer-to-peer payment app or cryptocurrency account, a comprehensive review of your client’s financial picture may help uncover forgotten pieces of the puzzle.

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The Liquidity Tool Your Small Business Clients Might Not Know to Ask For

How can you get your small business owner clients to a place where they have affordable liquidity to account for their everyday business needs while navigating a tumultuous fiscal environment? The solution may be something your clients don’t even know to ask for.

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Married Filing Student Loans

Isn’t the box you check when filing determined by your marital status? What else is there to think about? For married couples with federal student loans, the tax-filing status selection and repayment option may impact student loan payments.

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SECURE 2.0: A win-win for small businesses, employees and forward-thinking advisors

The new law bolsters small businesses' ability to provide retirement benefits to their employees by offering tax credits to offset costs; however, for advisors, it's an unprecedented opportunity to tap into a new revenue stream.

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Emotional Investing: Overcoming the Challenges

As every seasoned financial professional knows, the type and intensity of emotions tied to financial beliefs and actions are different for everyone. But one recurring source of emotional stress that seems inescapable is election season.

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Changing Jobs? What To Do With Your Old 401(k)

Amid the chaos of a job change, there’s one task that often falls through the cracks: remembering your 401(k) with your previous employer. In fact, based on research by Capitalize, 1 in 5 U.S workers have forgotten or left behind a 401(k) plan when changing jobs.

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Is My Client Being Scammed?

Scammers may manipulate clients into withdrawing funds from their investment accounts. As their trusted Financial Professional, you should closely review and question requests that seem sudden or unusual.

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Boost your tax practice's bottom line with a wealth manager

Tax professionals (including CPA, Enrolled Agents and others) and financial advisors play critical roles in guiding their clients through complex financial matters. Whether it's managing and optimizing tax efficiency or creating comprehensive financial plans, these highly trusted professionals bring immense value to their clients' financial lives.

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Upcoming Tax Changes: Implications on Tax Returns and Financial Planning

Recent legislation underscores the importance of integrating tax planning with investment and retirement planning to maximize clients’ financial opportunities.

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A Primer on Series I Savings Bonds

You may be familiar with Series E or EE savings bonds, which were the paper bonds you used to be able to buy at your local bank. Often used as gifts for birthdays or graduations, Series EE savings bonds earn a fixed rate of interest and ...

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Roth Conversion – A Tax-Smart Retirement Strategy

If you’re approaching retirement, conventional wisdom recommends allowing your 401(k) savings to grow as long as possible to enjoy the benefits of compound growth at a tax-free rate.

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Determining Retirement Plan Investment Allocation

Deciding how to invest your retirement plan balance can be difficult. Most retirement plans provide many investment options and choosing the best option for you can be challenging.

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How to Handle the Death of a Loved One

Expected or not, managing issues that must be addressed following the death of a family member or friend can be extremely difficult.

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Teach Children About Money Now, Or Be Ready to Help Later

Monetary transactions look much different today than they did 10, even 5, years ago. Today, consumers can pay for goods and services with a swipe of a card or through an app on a phone.

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Tax Planning for the Biden Administration

Many individuals are stuck in a holding pattern as they wait to see what impact the Biden Administration will have on tax regulations.

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